Have you tried LinkedIn,s profile match yet? If not give it a try here How do you match up It allows you to benchmark yourself against other industry leaders in your niche, see who other leaders follow, articles they read and more.
Simply log in with your linkedIn account and everything populates automatically. If you don’t agree with the recommended field of expertise assigned to you, a drop down menu with more options are offered to choose from. I found the suggested groups of some value and joined a couple while I was there. The Work/Life Balance tips were also worth a quick read.
Here are some of my comparisons
As you can see my profile out ranked most Entrepreneurs for Experience, Recommendations, first and second level connections and Internationality of network. I fell short on Languages spoken, diversity of network, education and volunteering. Personally I am not too concerned about learning another language, I have traveled to more than 20 countries and never had too much trouble with communication. It is interesting to note it says I know zero languages, and whilst my grasp of English could be questioned, I don’t see the need to spell this out on my profile given it is written in English.
I prefer to work with just a select few charities www.B1G1.com being my personal favourite, so again not too concerned I fall behind on this metric.
In the end you should just take the information supplied as a guide, it may high light some areas that could use some work to improve your skills or employ-ability. You may get some better idea as to the correct skills you should be listing on your profile too. I plan to drop in occasionally as the articles look worthwhile to read whenever I have some spare time. You can subscribe for fortnightly email updates, I will pass on this one as my daily in box is almost at breaking point already.
Interestingly whilst this is a LinkedIn feature it is sponsored by Samsung! Nothing wrong with that, however I would have thought LinkedIn were big enough to stand on their own without needing sponsors. It is well laid out and easy to navigate your way around, so if Samsung’s contributions are being invested in site design then their money is being well spent.