LinkedIn now has over 800 million registered users making it a prime place of business for working professionals. If creating a trusted brand and presence in your chosen field is something you are after, then mastering all facets of LinkedIn and striving to become that leading authority will be a key to your success. Creating […]
READ MOREHow to best utilise LinkedIn Inmails to generate leads!
For anyone who has not used Inmail before here is a quick explanation of how it works. It’s a direct messaging function that’s available to all LinkedIn users and it’s roughly 3 times more effective for prospecting than email. For anyone with a free LinkedIn account, you can send Inmails but you will be charged […]
READ MOREHow to Read Your LinkedIn Audience’s Mind
If you want to build trust and position yourself as an authority on LinkedIn, there is no substitute for consistently posting content that’s both relevant and useful to your target audience. So, actually knowing what will be relevant and useful to your audience has to be a priority and it doesn’t pay to simply assume. […]
READ MOREThought Leader, Authority or Trusted Sage. Which do you want to be on LinkedIn?
When you need help in your business, who is the best person to approach? You could seek out a Thought Leader. There are hundreds claiming that for themselves online. Not a bad place to start but will you get the practical insights and guidance you need to take the action that will turn your business […]
READ MORELinkedIn Metrics You Should Track
How do you know whether all the work you’re doing to build an authoritative presence on LinkedIn through creating and posting great content is succeeding? Metrics, that’s how. That raises the question as to what you should be tracking. I’m not into obsessing over numbers for their own sake, so I’d like to share some […]
READ MOREHow to ensure people read your LinkedIn posts
It’s soul destroying, pouring your creative energy into writing LinkedIn posts that no-one reads. This is what was happening to a new client who recently engaged me to help him drive stronger engagement on LinkedIn. We’ll call him Mike (not his real name, for privacy reasons). Mike had been on LinkedIn for a couple of […]
READ MOREAre You a LinkedIn Super Connector?
Perhaps we should start by defining what a Super Connector is. There are various views on this and most people would probably say a super connector would be someone whose profile shows they have 500+ connections. Actually that’s all that LinkedIn will show on anyone’s profile. So they may have 501 first level connections or […]
READ MORELinkedIn’s Not Just For Profit
Whether you call them NGO, nonprofit, not-for-profit, NFP, profit-for-purpose or a charity doesn’t matter. They are organisations that are set up to help others without enriching shareholders. When I meet people who lead these organisations they want to know if it could also work for their organisation as well as for a commercial, profit-driven business. […]
READ MOREIs LinkedIn Helping or Hurting Yours Business?
It’s the most effective online platform for building serious business growth. LinkedIn started as a fantastic platform for jobseekers but it’s so much more than that now. When LinkedIn first arrived on the scene it was almost exclusively aimed at individuals who wanted to promote their professional abilities and build networks in pursuit of a […]
READ MOREAre your posts trending on LinkedIn?
You just got a notification from LinkedIn that one of your posts is ‘trending’, but you’re not sure what that means, if it’s a good thing or if it matters at all. While I don’t think just getting likes and views is the main goal on LinkedIn, expanding the exposure of your content is generally […]