Did you know you can get hundreds of people to visit your fan page just by using Facebook comments? You can get traffic from fan pages, photo tags and groups; you can also use Facebook to get more visitors just by using comments as well.
Facebook has an open comment plug-in, where blogs that are not on the social networking site can use Facebook as a platform to monitor comments. This is a great way to filter out spam, not to mention that it also has numerous other benefits to offer. So how do you get page traffic from Facebook comments? There are many ways to do this, but one of the best ways is to use your Facebook fan page when making these comments. When you find a blog or a website that utilises Facebook as a comment platform, you can then comment on this as your page. This acts as a publicity springboard, it is also completely free.
Utilising the Facebook Comment System
The great thing about the comment system is that if someone finds your comment of interest, they can click on your name and they will be taken directly to your page. Here, they can like your page with the click of a button, giving you instant fans. For the comment system to be most effective, you need to target people who are already in your niche, or people with an interest in your page. Once they are a fan of your page, you can then direct them to your mailing list, blogs, and more. This is a very effective way to get direct contact with your fans, it also opens a world of other opportunities when it comes to your Facebook page itself.
Finding Blogs That Have a Facebook Comment Platform
This process can be time consuming, especially if you don’t have much time on your hands to begin with. You need to scroll through blogs to see whether or not they use the Facebook comment system. A faster way to do this is to type in your niche keyword on Google, accompanied by “Facebook social plugin”. This is a great way to narrow down your search.
Once you have found a Facebook comment blog, you then need to focus on posting quality comments that will interest your viewers. Remember that your comments are your call to action, don’t just type something like “Click this page for discounts” etc, potential fans will perceive you as a spammer which is something you want to avoid at all cost.
Try to create a conversation, as this is a great way to post plenty of comments that your viewers will approve of. Stay clear from general comments, become valuable to your reader and always make sure that each comment has something to offer. Before you know it, your Facebook page views will have soared and you’ll have the likes you need to progress your website, business or fan page.