If you have not yet heard of B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1), chances are you are about to. B1G1 just launched one of the most innovative Apps available via your smart phone’s App store. Just look for the ‘Shake the World’ free download.
The App allows you to create an incredible giving experience just by shaking your phone!
Then you share it with your friends and connections by simply sharing your unique friendship code by text, email and of course through your social media.
Every time you shake your phone, someone in need receives life-saving water. Considering more than 700 million people in our world do not have access to clean water, this is reason enough to download the App and get involved.
The really amazing part is that whilst the more times you shake and share this fun App, at no stage are you required to make the donation. This is done by the amazing partners in the B1G1 global network on your behalf. For more information about these companies take a look here: https://www.b1g1.com/buy1give1/businesslist
B1G1 is clearly innovative in their approach to doing good in our world. And the power of social media in spreading their message is playing a vital role.
The Shake the World App is one of the best examples of using your favourite social media profiles to virally create a reach far beyond B1G1’s direct followers and that of their Lifetime Partners. No doubt millions of people around the world will be exposed to this great initiative through the social sharing phenomenon. But even more important is the millions of people who will receive life-saving water as a result of this.
There are no losers in this approach: B1G1 enjoys global reach for their message, their business partners get exposure, and you and I have a bit of fun from sharing and using the App. And of course, people who really need it get life-saving water.
Yet such an innovative concept could never work without the power and reach social media affords. The takeaway for us all in business here is obvious: create win-win partnerships and make it fun. Create the environment in which millions of people will take to Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and everywhere else and you can compete on the global playing field in a powerful way.
So how can we all learn from this B1G1 initiative?
Simple: download the App, follow B1G1 on all of their social media platforms. Follow this simple yet effective promotion over the coming week or two and see for yourself the positive impact win-win business creates and just how effective this concept and social media can be.
If engaging with your loyal followers and fans is essential for social media success, turning them into brand advocates shouting your message far and wide must be the holy grail.
And you never know, in a small way you might just shake the world!
Click here to get more information and access to the App today.