We have all heard the saying in any form of marketing that “Content is King” it is never more true in the pursuit of building great on-line profiles. You can have the best looking website, great branding, all the social media profiles you want, however if you post images of your dog playing with a stick or even worse “selfies” nobody of any value to your business is going to follow you or interact with you or your business.
Content refers to two parts of your on-line posts. The written content & the images that accompany your written words. Every social media profile we are going to use relies on images being the core focus of your daily posts.
Even Twitter is rapidly moving from the standard 140 SMS style tweet to including an image being visible in each tweet. The latest research shows tweets with images are 3 to 4 times more likely to be retweeted than tweets with just a link.
It is now imperative that all of your pages on your website include quality images, as well as any blog posts you create. Images improve the readability of your written words & ensure anybody sharing your content on Social Media are sharing your images by default & improving the reach of your posts. Hopefully you have social media share buttons on your web pages & blog posts, to make it as easy as possible for people to share your content. These share buttons will automatically include your image if you have one somewhere within the article being shared.
There are plenty of free or cheap programs you can get that will assist you to create great images, infograhics & videos to go with your posts. If you find this part of your marketing challenging consider using services like Fiverr or Elance to connect with people skilled at this art. You will be surprised how cheaply you can get this work done for you & how fast they work.
Whether you produce your own images or outsource to these services, make including good quality images part of your content strategy as quickly as you can.
Whether you are creating a blog post that you intend to spread via your social media profiles or a heading for your Pinterest pins or Google Plus posts, good content is essential.