You don’t have to look too deep in social media circles for positive stories about Pinterest. During a recent round of fund raising this phenomenal platform was valued at $5 Billion, it is here to stay. The statistics on sales conversions are staggering, with 4 times the traffic to an end purchase than twitter and 27% more than Facebook. One of the lesser utilised strategies is building your list through Pinterest.
Here is a simple strategy you can start implementing today, to grow your lists with highly targeted leads in your niche.
Free E Books
You quite possibly already have an ebook that you can use, if not don’t despair they have never been easier to create. Services like Web Publication will have your content converted to a professionally presented product, you will be proud to put your name too in quick time.
A free offer is one of the most powerful ways to get leads to opt in for your marketing emails, of course if it is free then you need to be able to deliver if at zero cost too. Once you have created your ebook you have very little expense to deliver it.
Landing Pages
We have already established that Pinterest has incredible CTR (Click Through Rates) so why not embed the URL of your pin that takes your lead to a Landing Page to get your free ebook. Ensure your landing page is an opt in page that captures at least your leads first name and email address.
One of the best services for pre formatted and simple Landing Pages is Lead Pages, with over 70 templates and very simple user friendly page creation, you can have your page up and running in minutes.
Pinterest allows you 500 characters in the text description under each pin, it is well understood that pins with between 200 and 300 characters receive the best click though rates. Keep your descriptions in this range. Start your pin description with a short outline of what your lead is likely to be interested in, (your ebook should be providing the solution) end it with a clear call to action that removes barriers to get that click through.
“Click on the image to get your no obligation FREE Ebook”
It is best to have your image aligned with what your business is all about or the content of the ebook.
Community Boards
So now you have a great ebook, great pins with a highly optimised messages but where do you find your potential leads. Hash tags will get you in front of some people, community boards in your niche will get you in front of thousands or even tens of thousands of potential leads. Finding Community Boards to join is simple. Pingroupie is a directory of thousands of Community Boards, just type in your search term and link to these boards. Usually they will have instructions on how to join, if not try commenting on some pins from the creator of the board requesting an invite.
Once you are accepted onto to Community Board this board will show on your Pinterest profile, you can then pin your pins to it and expose your message to the followers of these boards. Even if you have zero followers on your own profile you can spread your message or offer to thousands through community boards.