If you want to make your website more social media ready, then there are several things that you need to do. Social media is the future of business and is used by billions of people worldwide. Almost all businesses will benefit from a presence across a number of platforms. The most common outcome businesses desire is exposure of their websites and social media profiles, once this has been achieved then a more outcome orientated strategy can be implemented. Getting your website ready should be equally as important as diving into your social media activities.
Optimising Your Website
Creating visibility for your social profiles from your website is not difficult, you first need to optimise your website for it. We all have links to our social media profiles on our website, so viewers can simply click it and find our presence on multiple sites. This is a great way to drive traffic to your social media pages, and it will also help your page to show up on Google as well. When you add your social media page to your website, you could do it in multiple ways. First there is the widget. The widget shows your latest posts, along with your profile picture and any other recent information regarding your page. This shows users that you are active and if you post interesting high quality content, they will be more likely to click on your page to see what else you have to offer. Secondly, there is the block image. This a single symbol of the corresponding media site, for example the Facebook “F”, the Twitter Bird and the LinkedIn sign. Users can click on this single image and be taken right to your profile. Although your viewers can’t see your latest posts, it is great if you don’t have a lot of space on your website, and it is still a lead from your site.
Gaining Traffic to Your Website
The best way to get traffic from your posts to your website is to add a link to your website to your tweet or post, every time you update. Your social media users will then always have direct access to your website, and if you have a widget, your website users will always have direct access to your social media. Once you gain steady traffic to both, cut down on the amount of times you post your website and start incorporating hashtags to build a trend. This will help to stabilise your viewers, as well as providing you with a gradual boost of visitors to both your website and your social profiles.
Of course having an exceptional website experience for your customers or clients is paramount. Fast page load speeds, great content and easy navigation the bare minimums. The on-line space is lucrative if you get it right, it is fast becoming incredibly competitive too. If you have not had your site reviewed by your site developer in the past 12 months, now might be a great time to do so before the Christmas shopping season gets into full swing.