Whether you own or operate an on-line business or bricks and mortar version, you need to ensure that you are doing everything you can to drive leads to your site. You also need to make sure that people like your page, and this can be quite difficult if you don’t have the knowledge and skills required to really make an impact. If you are tired of having just one or two Facebook likes a week, or if you are getting frustrated with your social media strategy in general, this is the guide for you.
Call to Action Graphic
Facebook gives you a cover photo for a reason, so use it to your advantage. Hire someone to create a graphic image for you. Fiverr and Elance are great options to get these type of creatives done quickly and cost effectively. If you have the talents and the spare time by all means create one yourself. One of the biggest mistakes I see constantly in all forms of marketing is the lack of clear calls to action. These are just simple directions you add to point out to the person reading your content, or in this case your cover photo, what it is you are hoping they will do. The best way to do this would be to create a cover image that directs your users to your “like” button. It could be something simple like a block arrow, or it could be something more complex like a HD graphic with several focal points. Having that extra call to action will really help you to drive likes. When designing your graphic, you should take into account the location of the “like” button on the page. Make sure that your image meets the required dimensions and take some time to position it correctly. The better it looks, the more likely you will be to drive “likes”. Remember that your cover image is the first thing that people will see when they click on your page, so make it bright, eye-catching and to the point.
Facebook Store
If you sell products, why not put them on your Facebook page? There are many applications that allow you to sell products on your Facebook page such as Shopify. If people see that you have products on your page, they will be more likely to stay on your page for longer, especially if you post deals or special Facebook only offers on there as well. Some applications even give you the option to put a gate on your site, where people have to click “Like” in order to view it. Although this will drive your likes, it isn’t really recommended because even though you’d have likes, most of them wouldn’t be engaged customers. They’d just be customers who were curious enough to click “like” so they could see your store. It is always better to have a small engaged following rather than a huge following with no engaged users.
Information & Photos
If you want to get likes, you need to be as active as possible. People don’t like a page that is hardly posted to, and they won’t want to like a page that is filled with promotional and spam content. Even if you post the right amount per day, you won’t drive likes unless your page has a mixture of high quality content. Stick to the 90/10 rule, 90% of your content should be solving problems, educating, inspiring or humouring you followers. The other 10% can be promotional or about your business. Remember that your page feed is only part of your page, and at the side you have your business information, your images, reviews and more. If you don’t have appropriate content here, then your page will look pretty uninteresting. Add plenty of photos, ask customers for reviews, fill out as much information about your company as possible and upload videos regularly. Your newsfeed isn’t the only content on your page, so make sure that you do everything you can to spice things up in other areas as well. This does take a little effort, but overall, it can be the difference between your page being seen as interesting and worth following or not.
In this age of near zero organic reach, a small weekly budget spent on remaining visible and relevant is also a good idea.