If you are active on social media platforms, then you’ll understand the importance of posting quality content. Posting links to blogs on your social media profiles, in an attempt to get more website visitors and feedback is a proven content strategy we all should embrace. However choosing when to post video blogs as opposed to written blogs, and to which social media sites is not so clear. Here are a few options.
If you post on LinkedIn, then you should try and post written blogs as opposed to video blogs. Written blogs can show how much you know about a specific field or industry, and they can really open up doors for you on the site. You will also find that there are many professionals on LinkedIn who will have an interest in your company or business, and by posting blogs, you can then lead them to your website where they will find out more information. Professional blogs can also be seen as a more formal way to portray your knowledge on a specific subject, unless you have your video blogs filmed by a professional.
When posting to Facebook, you should try and post video blogs regularly. Facebook has recently integrated a new feature which plays videos automatically if you pause on that particular status, and it is a great way to make sure that people watch your videos as opposed to scrolling right past them. If you want to post your video blogs to Facebook, upload them directly as opposed to providing a link. To get a higher engagement rate, try a combination of both options. However keep in mind the continual downward spiral in organic reach you can achieve now. You will likely need to boost some posts to get the results you are looking for, so be prepared to spend a little of your marketing budget each week.
Most people opt for written blogs over video blogs when posting on Twitter, because you can combine them with images and other visual representations. This can really make your tweets stand out when someone is scrolling through the news feed, and by using hashtags, you can also encourage people to re-tweet your post to other users. Although this is the same for video blogs, the majority of people who do post to Twitter do it in a written format.
Video all the way here, Instagram is all about visual content. Hash tags are a must too just like Twitter, you can also get away with adding a few more than you would on other platforms. If your tribe are active users of Instagram then consider spending a little more time and energy here. It was one of the fastest growing platforms today.
As you can see, some social media sites are more optimised for video blogs, whereas others are more optimised for written content. Finding the balance between the two is the key to success when sharing your content on social media, not to mention that it can also mean the difference between getting great feedback, and no feedback at all.