Have you ever had a post go viral? Most people have had at least one post that has really hit the engagement nail on the head! It’s done really well and received lots of interaction, likes, comments and shares – and you have even got business from it.
It is very exciting.
But thinking you’ll be successful after one viral post is like winning the lottery, only to be paid in fool’s gold!
We know as business owners that content is still king and getting it right is the difference between success online and not getting results at all.
So what does successful content look like? Let’s talk about a few defining factors in this post.
- Consistency is the key to success
The biggest differentiator with successful content comes down to consistency. It’s about being online regularly and crating content that really resonates with your target market and your audience.
I’ve had numerous flops with my content, but each time I get better than the last. It’s why I post my thoughts as status posts and videos every week, without fail. The more you post, the more significant your impact.
But this isn’t just because you get better at content creation and understanding what your audience wants from you…
HOT TIP: LinkedIn’s algorithm promotes your posts to more peoplethe more active you are! So the more consistent you can be with your content, the more you will be seen.
If that’s not a reason to get consistent with your creation, I don’t know what is!
And if you haven’t posted before, don’t stress. The best time to start is now because it only gets better from here. When you’re at the bottom of the totem pole, the only way is up!
- How often should I update my LinkedIn profile?
The question now is, how often you should update your status on your LinkedIn profile.
If you follow the guidelines and recommendation given below on LinkedIn, you will not only know how to update your status but also begin to see positive responses and results when it comes to social media and business connections.
There are many different views on this, however, what I have found to work best is posting a minimum of 1-2 times a week and a maximum of 5 times per week. Posting every day is ok as long as you have something worthwhile to post.
I always stick to how-tos and what’s working for us, tips, rants, videos and sharing news or industry information.
Whatever you decide to share, make sure you are consistent with your posting and you create interesting, helpful, and valuable content for your audience on LinkedIn.
Keep your eyes peeled for questions and requests from your readers too – they will tell you what they want from you.
- Best day and time to engage your readers on LinkedIn
While there are certain days where content performs better, what days to post will actually come down to your audience and when they are online and engaging with your content.
So the first thing is to find out when your readers are on LinkedIn – check your past posts and you can even put it out in a status update asking them when they like to be online and on LinkedIn.
This is critical so you can post when they are active on the platform.
Typically the best days to post are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Posting between 8am and 2pm will also fetch the best results in terms of engagement.
But I also encourage you to look at your engagement statistics and work out the best times for you. Try posting at different times and track your results.
From research, most successful experts on LinkedIn are spending about 1 hour per day. According to an expert, spend 45 minutes in all per day. Divide that into 15 minutes each per slot throughout the day. First 15 minute in the morning, the second one around lunchtime, and the last 15 minutes towards the night or end of the day.
You can effectively use every 15 minutes. Ensure you scan your home page updates for updates you’ll like to comment on, scan the home page of the companies and do the same for companies you’re following, then check your inbox if there’s any message, and finally, check a couple of different groups, and scan discussions you can comment on or like.
You can dig a little deeper when you have the luxury of time. So, in the meantime, you will be engaged at a level that sets your network higher, and you’ll always be around daily to then take advantage of the significant opportunities you’ll start noticing.
Top 7 strategies for LinkedIn success
The following are the 7 most successful engagement strategies to help you have more success with LinkedIn:
- Try as much as you can to always comment on other people’s posts, this will encourage people to comment back (and also go and check out your profile).
- Post regularly on LinkedIn with highly engagement content such as videos, polls, questions and how-to content.
- Always check who has visited your profile in the past 24 hours and ensure you reach out to them. And if they have reviewed your profile on LinkedIn, thank them for connecting or viewing your profile and ask how you can help.
- Ensure you post your blog content on your timeline and don’t hesitate to share it in groups too. And if you’ve written a brilliant post, be sure to add it to the blog section of your profile.
- Visit relevant groups, leave comments, likes, and post questions when needed. Be engaged and visible on the platform and in groups (and in your own group if you have one). If you are currently not managing a group, then start one.
- Give testimonials to those who are deserving. Not only is this a generous thing to do but it also promotes you to other people and encourages others to leave you a testimonial too.
- Follow and connect with people who align to you and your business goals. Engage with them and comment on their posts. This way, you will noticed by them and you can create a relationship with them.
Using the points discussed above will help significantly in helping you to have more success with LinkedIn.
It is a fast-growing platform and there is so much potential for you as a business owner.
Try some of these tips and let me know how they work for you and come and follow me on LinkedIn. Just search Adam Houlahan.
Your next steps for LinkedIn help
If lead generation is what you need help with and advertising is not the way you want to go, here are 4 ways we can help you accelerate your Lead Generation results:
P.S. Here are 5 ways we can help you accelerate your Lead Generation results:
- Grab our free 4-Week LinkedIn Profile Optimisation Course
It’s the road map to positioning your profile in the top 5% of the 610 million LinkedIn users currently active –Click Here
- Join our FREE LinkedIn Group and connect with entrepreneurs who are scaling too
It’s our Facebook community where smart entrepreneurs learn to get more leads and smart ways to scale using LinkedIn —Click Here
- Register for our FREE LinkedIn update webinar
Every 12-Weeks you can join us for a free update on all the latest news, ninja tips and outline of new features released by LinkedIn – Click Here
- Join our LinkedIn Influencer Program so you can“Show out” instead of just showing up
Click Here for more details
- Work with our team privately
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