One of the first questions my clients ask me is whether they need a company page for their business as well as their personal LinkedIn page. My answer is always YES! What are LinkedIn company pages? They are a way for organisations to showcase their business, connect employees, promote products and services and share news […]
READ MORESaving You Time On LinkedIn
There have been times where I let LinkedIn run away from me. It’s easy to spend hours on here at a time, and with nearly 30,000 connections I have been overwhelmed in the past with the amount of people to respond to. I hate to say it, but it has made LinkedIn a drag at […]
READ MORELet’s break down why you should be scheduling your content on LinkedIn!
LinkedIn now has over 800 million registered users making it a prime place of business for working professionals. If creating a trusted brand and presence in your chosen field is something you are after, then mastering all facets of LinkedIn and striving to become that leading authority will be a key to your success. Creating […]
READ MOREBest Practices For Posting On LinkedIn
If you are looking for a professional social media platform, LinkedIn might be the best option out there. Not only does it have 800 million + members across 200 countries but also continues to grow in popularity each year! If you are in a B2B business, it may be the most powerful marketing channel for […]
READ MOREWhy you should be publishing a LinkedIn Newsletter
With well over 800 million users worldwide LinkedIn is well and truly one of the biggest platforms on the planet. In my opinion, it’s a platform every business owner and entrepreneur should be using to grow their brand. A new handy way to do that is the LinkedIn Newsletter. What is a Linkedin Newsletter? […]
READ MOREHow to best utilise LinkedIn Inmails to generate leads!
For anyone who has not used Inmail before here is a quick explanation of how it works. It’s a direct messaging function that’s available to all LinkedIn users and it’s roughly 3 times more effective for prospecting than email. For anyone with a free LinkedIn account, you can send Inmails but you will be charged […]
READ MOREWhy You Should Be Using Video Content On LinkedIn!
LinkedIn is one of the oldest social media platforms in today’s market, with over 800 million registered users, it’s the platform all businesses and professionals should be looking to leverage to the fullest. One of the best ways I like to engage with my audience is by posting video content on my profile. If you’ve […]
READ MOREHow to generate quality leads and convert them on LinkedIn!
A great quote I heard many years ago and it still rings clear today is “Your lead generation strategy is only ever as good as your ability to convert leads into sales…” 2022 has arrived and I’m sure we are all ready to go for a big year, many have plans in place for creating […]
READ MOREHow to Read Your LinkedIn Audience’s Mind
If you want to build trust and position yourself as an authority on LinkedIn, there is no substitute for consistently posting content that’s both relevant and useful to your target audience. So, actually knowing what will be relevant and useful to your audience has to be a priority and it doesn’t pay to simply assume. […]
READ MORELinkedIn Metrics You Should Track
How do you know whether all the work you’re doing to build an authoritative presence on LinkedIn through creating and posting great content is succeeding? Metrics, that’s how. That raises the question as to what you should be tracking. I’m not into obsessing over numbers for their own sake, so I’d like to share some […]